In their damning report of education technology Human Rights Watch found that 89% of the 150 products they examined “monitored or could monitor children, in most cases secretly and without the consent of children or their parents”. With CryptPad students can learn without being surveilled and tracked.
CryptPad has everything you need to give classes, from text documents to whiteboards, forms, and spreadsheets, all in one secure place.
CryptPad is built to collect as little data as possible, and to protect what it stores with encryption and security measures. There is no premium or add-on to protect data, it’s the default. CryptPad helps you pass GDPR compliance with top honors!
CryptPad comes with a built-in private ticket system to manage support requests and assist users. In most cases, a link to the right place in our extensive documentation solves the issue. Your administrators have direct contact with our team to resolve any problems quickly.
As a FOSS advocate, i thought there will be no alternative to Google Docs, so i was struggling to manage my documents. Until i discovered "CryptPad" the best collaboration tool I've ever seen. With Cryptpad, I am sure that all my documents are safe and encrypted, the service is so reliable and perfectly suits my needs.
Saif Dhifi - Freeways ISI (Free Software Club at the higher institut of computer science Tunisia, Ariana)
free connection, english language, server in EU
Carl Christian Sievers - Studienseminar LBS Hannover
1. protection of data privacy 2. it's not Google
Diesdas Ananas - School (german Gymnasium)
The fact that many people can share and write at the same time on a common document.
Laure - Education Nationale
I love how clean the surface looks, how easy it is to introduce my students to working with it, how smoothly everything runs. And I feel safe using CryptPad.
Canzonett - Higher Education (University)
Its an alternative to Google
INS Joan Brossa - Secondary School
Collaborative working with unlimited people, highly protected personal data, a lot of uses for educational purposes
Carl Schöning - Gymnasium Ulricianum
All about it! It's secure, easy to use, reliable, and focused on helping users move forward with their projects. No bloated entertainment, no money-making - just the exact tool I need for my students and collaboration with my colleagues.
L. Fengler - German Gymnasium
Collaborative writing and sharing with colleagues as well as students organizing these documents in a drive
Pat - grammar school
Cryptpad is very usefull for working with others in the school without using Microsoft Teams.
lm41 - School
secure, clear, easy , working fully with firefox and since now never freezed or something else
Rüdiger Bachmann - potentialeentfalten (.de) : education of educators, free schools, coaching, building new schools
efficient, trustworthy, reliable, easy to use, it simply works
Annette Leiderer - German High School
It is simple, secure and easy to use. One doesn't need to go through lengthy documentation or search online to solve an issue.
Alice - Education
The facility of its access, it’s very handy in use, free of charges, multiple forms and usages (among collègues, with students, students without teachers…) European server,
***** - Gymnasium im PAMINA-Schulzentrum
Cryptpad is easy to use, does not crash, is free and always available.
Phil the Teacher - Education Nationale
It is easy to write with the whole class.
Ole - In our history class
That students can work on it simultaneously, and it‘s easy to use.
Mrs Eppinger - Grammar School
free use many functions easy use
Mumpitz - German High School (Gymnasium)
perfect online tools for educational use
***** - Education
I was looking for a tool where I can throw my pictures in the document and they go full page directly.
Pierre - Laboratoire d'aérologie, CNRS, Toulouse
I love using a secure and privacy-oriented web-based tool that offers such a great integration of the different applications.
Christian Terboven - RWTH Aachen University
I love that cryptpad gives me all the features I need and respects my privacy and the privacy of my students. Especially the Kanban Board has been a Game changer during the pandamic and homeschooling but also in the daily Business.
Jan - Otto-Brenner-Schule Hannover Vocational Educational Training
It's private and highly secure. There aren't any trackers to worry about. Students don't need an account to collaborate. Cryptpad is versatile. Content created can be exported.
mrtee - ICT training for teaching staff.
Working from everywhere with everyone.
Denis - Bremen school
one-link accessible, easy to share and foster co-writing to students & colleagues, providing collective ideas, easy to use and integrate in groups: tools and features known other platforms
Florian - school
Its Simple, Safe and Secure Which is why i use it for academic uses, where anonymity is a must
Chris - University
Straightforward, device-universal and feeling safe. All the possible content-types for me to play.
polx - PH Weingarten, W3C Math Group
CryptPad offers the right combination of openness and protection when it comes to online collaborations. It is essential to balance out the urgent need for both, transparency and opacity.
Florian Schneider - Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology (NTNU)
I love that first it is free software and you could host it yourself, 2) there's no access barriers - you just need a link and 3) the feature of instant collaboration on a text for my students. I often use it in my language lessons (German/French).
Daniel - Secondary School
-its' not owned by Google -it respects the users privacy -it's free -it's easy to use -good UI
Nigel Balfour - Teacher training
Black theme, easy to use, Kanban, Spreadsheet... easy to share
David ROUMANET - Lycée Aristide Bergès (38171 Seyssinet)
That it is free and simple to use and NOT collecting and trading data!
Anja - Educational lectures in Germany
Open Source tool
Marie-justine GUERQUIN - Université Paris Cité
Fast, privacy respecting, secure, reliable, collaborative
David - Lycee professionel
CryptPad is free software, it's fast, secure and they don't trade with my data.
Juan-José de Haro - Secondary school in Barcelona
We use CryptPad to draft up mails and resolutions, gather opinions and collect ideas. It has awesome privacy-first design and is yet easy to use, which makes it stand out against other products.
Jakob - Fachschaft Computerlinguistik, Universität Heidelberg
While Italian universities and schools are mindlessly giving away students and researchers' data to the surveillance capitalism corporations, pretending there is no alternative, CryptPad is showing that alternatives exist, if you only care to look for them.
MCP - University